
About the Author Raja Abdel-Majid

Raja Abdel-Majid, Ph.D. D.H.N., Dipl.Ac, M.M.Q., is the founder and owner of Energetic Harmony Clinic. She is a Holistic Health Care Practitioner, public speaker, spiritual teacher, and energy healer. Her vision is to help individuals to: release blockage, restore balance, and to reawaken their beings. She accomplishes this by educating, empowering, and bringing awareness to all aspects of well-being. In her clinic she focuses on stress, pain & weight loss management, and healthy aging not only at the physical level but at the emotional and spiritual levels too. She is the author of the forthcoming books "Go Away Journey, From Depression to Action.", and "Journey to the Other Side". For more information, please visit her website at www.energeticharmony.ca.