In the interest of community safety, Niagara Regional Police Service  Chief Bryan MacCulloch after consultation the NRPS Offender Management Unit is notifying the community of the recent release of a high risk sex offender. The male is now residing in the Niagara Region.


Pursuant to his authority under the Community Safety Act of Ontario, Chief MacCulloch discloses the following information regarding Trevor Kemp who was recently released from custody after completing a 13 month sentence for being in possession of child pornography.

Kemp is now bound by a 3 year probation order and a 10 year 161 Criminal Code prohibition order, which prohibits the offender from the following:

a) Attending a public park or public swimming area where persons under the age of 16 years are present or can reasonably be expected to be present, or a daycare center, school ground, playground or community centre, EXCEPT while in the direct company of an adult over the age of 21;

b) Seeking, obtaining or continuing any employment, whether or not the employment is remunerated, or becoming or being a volunteer in a capacity, that involves being in a position of trust or authority towards a person under the age of 16 years;

c) Having any contact –  including communicating by any means-with a person under the age of 16 years except in the company of an adult over the age of 21; or except for the purposes of a retail or service transaction at a commercial establishment;

d) Using the internet or any similar communication service to access any content that violates the Criminal Code.  Kemp,  pictured below,  is a white male, 6’3″, 450lbs, with a short brush cut hair style that is light brown in colour and is reported to reside in the area of Lincoln.


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