(Main picture is Zeus, a Great Pyrenees, up for adoption now, for more information CLICK HERE)


Last summer, one beautifully stoic evening, I was heading home from a nice long walk with my dog when a wagging, leashless pooch appeared to be strolling towards us.

The sun had just set, and there was no owner in sight. This was worrisome. We were asking around the area if the dog was familiar, when a faint hollering began to echo across the park. Someone was calling out a name. We yelled back with our location and the frantic owner was safely reunited with his sweet dog. Turns out this was a case of a faulty fence. I’m glad I was there to help!

Fast forward to a couple days ago. Me and my mom were heading towards a very lush pathway with our dog in tow. It’s one of our favourite places to walk, as we often run into plenty of other four legged friends out and about.

Our journey turned sour when a bunny abruptly darted in front us, catching us off-guard, and triggering my dog’s hunter mode. Because of her excitement and strength, she got away from our grip and chased the critter into a sloped and wooded area. Oh boy.

(Below Carlos who has been waiting for over a year.  Would you consider aopting this 2 year old Rotti Mix?  For more information CLICK HERE)


We called her name. We called, and called. The area she ran into was steep and dense with greenery, we couldn’t see her, but we heard the jingling of her collar bouncing as she ran around. We boasted about the treats she would get if she came to us, and I even yelled “peanut butter!” as that works in many instances. Not this time. She must have been enjoying the smells of whatever wildlife roamed that ravine.

(Below, Delilah looking for a home.  For more information, CLICK HERE).



A fellow rollerblading with his dog saw our desperate attempts at luring something from the thick bushes and stopped to help. Without hesitation, he took off his rollerblades and offered to go down into the deep woods to herd her out to safety. That’s when I recognized him. He was the guy whose dog ran out of his backyard that one evening last summer.

It worked. She came bounding out, wet and out of breath. What a rascal. I was so grateful for the help we received by the kind stanger, whose path we crossed once before due to similar circumstances. This made the ordeal somewhat sweeter.

(Below, Darryl.  For adoption info please CLICK HERE).



Timing is everything. Not every story of pets escaping has a happy ending. If you or someone you know has a pet that has gone missing, you can refer to the Lost and Found and Stray Animals sections on the Niagara Falls Humane Society’s website.

This week’s column written by: Alexandra Marianne 

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