Project Lifesaver is expanding with partnerships between Niagara Regional Police and Search and Rescue Niagara. Project Lifesaver Niagara is a organization dedicated to helping caregivers of finding loved ones who because of their cognitive ability have a tendency to wander (autism, brain injury and  Alzheimers would be examples of conditions that may cause wandering).


Participants registered with Project Lifesaver Niagara wear a personalized bracelet (pictured). It is a one ounce battery operated radio wrist transmitter that emits a unique automatic tracking signal every second, 24 hours a day.

Project Lifesaver equips and trains law enforcement agencies in an active response system to help with the increasing problem of locating wandering people before they fall victim to the elements, accidents or predators.


Overall, Project Lifesaver saves lives and further serves the community by significantly reducing the need for extensive search and rescue operations that are often extremely costly in human and financial terms.

Project Lifesaver originally began in Welland and Pelham as a pilot project in 2013.

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