Last week, I attended an open house. A small office with a newly designed open office space. It was quite lovely and everyone seemed to love it. Everyone except me.  So, am I the only one? Am I the only one that really dislikes this office style?

In my house, yes. I love an open floor plan. I don’t like to be confined by walls. I like it free-flowing. But in my house, well, that’s private. I can do whatever I want. I can say whatever I want and I can work in any manner that suits me.

It’s strange but the open plan confines me. It makes me uncomfortable. It heaps a degree of rigidity upon me that decreases my creativity and squeezes me into a mold where I’m clearly not at ease. That’s the opposite of how I should be feeling.

So I begin to wonder, what’s wrong with me?

Everyone else seems to like it just fine. Has it happened, I ponder? Have I reached the stage in life where I’ve simply crossed a generational boundary and I’ve become THAT person? Or, is it merely my introverted nature? I love people but I treasure my privacy and I work best in solitude. I’m obviously not talking about a team-based project where direct interaction is key to success. I’m talking those times where individual output is required and I need to be head down diving into my work.

According to The New Yorker the open office was originally designed by a team from Hamburg, Germany, in the 1950s, to enable communication and idea flow. And more recently, companies like Google and Facebook seemed to popularize the design.

It promotes camaraderie, they say…

It spurs creativity, they say…

It builds an open culture, they say…

It will increase productivity, they say…

It encourages communication, they say…

It provides a more laid-back, non-stuffy environment, they say…

It helps employees bond more easily, they say…

Those are all great things. Who can argue? So, why do I feel so confined and uncomfortable with the thought of an open office space in a land of brightly colored comfy sofas? There does seem to be some mounting research that reveals that the open office space is a haven for germs and sickness.  And other research tells us that the open office space harms our mental health.

But has the pendulum swung too far? Are we being brainwashed about open workplaces? Are we made to feel prudish when we don’t conform or accept this idea? Certainly, there has to be some middle ground when it comes to office space. And what about personalization? Do you have any control in an open-office environment? Can you really make it your own space? Or is that the point? Is it meant to feel transient and not permanent?

I Need to Know…

Am I entirely too old school at this point? Or are there others out there like me who feel just as uncomfortable with this design?

I’d love to know your thoughts. Do you like it? Hate it? Don’t really care? Or, is it simply a generationally-focused initiative that suits most Millennials?

Or, should we stop this madness now and find something more middle ground and stop forcing people to work in discomfort?

Over to you…

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