Police say on Wednesday 23 December 2015, members of the Special Enforcement Unit along with the Niagara Parks Police conducted RIDE check points in Niagara Falls and Niagara on the Lake.  Police stopped over 400 vehicles and administered 8 roadside screening device tests which resulted in 3 – 3 day suspensions and 1 – 24 hour licence suspension to a G2 class driver. One driver was given Standard Field Sobriety Tests after officers suspected he maybe driving under the influence of a drug.  The driver passed these tests but was found to be an unlicensed driver.


Police stopped one vehicle that was being operated by a known suspended driver.  The driver and his passenger were both currently on release orders from previous Criminal Charges and were found to be violating the terms of their release orders.  Both face numerous criminal charges, the driver will face further Highway Traffic Act charges as he is a suspended driver.

The Niagara Regional Police Service and the Niagara Parks Police will continue to work together to improve road safety in our community by reducing Impaired Driving Offences through educational programs and enforcement initiatives like RIDE programs.  Impaired driving is still the leading cause of criminal deaths in Canada.

This initiative has been made possible, in part, as a result of grant funding from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services as part of Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) program.

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