The fall is a great season in many ways and lots of seasonal fare is one of them.  Here are some top pics to do your body good!


This super food is in its prime right now and offers vegetable protein, fiber, folate and the minerals phosphorous, potassium, calcium and zinc. Kale is a source of alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3s are well known for an array of benefits to the joints and skin in addition to boosting your mood.


Enjoy fresh for the most benefits as the skins are nutrient rich!   Pear skin is thought to be highly concentrated with phenolic phytonutrients that have anti-inflammatory benefits. Recent research even suggests they reduce type 2 diabetes risk because the flavonoids they contain keep your insulin levels in check. Pears are also a great source of fiber and copper, which is associated with increased cardiac and thyroid health.


You can eat this entire vegetable.   The bulb, stalk, leaves and seeds! Fennel is high in a B vitamin called folate and potassium, both of which are associated with good cardiovascular health. It’s also high in antioxidants and the bulbs are a good source of vitamin C, which can contribute to keeping your immune system in check.

All the herbs like rosemary, parsley, thyme and sage add flavour and are so healthy to boot.  Scramble eggs with rosemary or thyme, and get your protein intake for the day. Sage goes well with lentils — a great source of protein — and carrots, which provide an excellent source of vitamin A as well as minerals such as calcium, manganese and phosphorus.


An apple a day may in fact keep the doctor away! This fall favorite is rich in disease-fighting antioxidants and fiber, an important dietary element that’s hard to find in prepared food. Fiber can help lower cholesterol and is thought to protect against colon cancer. Apples have a high concentration of pectin, a soluble fiber that eases digestion by soaking up excess water. Biting into a fresh, fall apple stimulates the production of saliva, which flushes out bacteria, keeping your teeth naturally clean and healthy.

Eat these fabulous fall foods and feel great about your health at the same time!

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