Spicing up your life can be easy, cheap and super rewarding.  The season of spring brings a rush of heightened spirits and renewal so why not start today?

Need some ideas? Check out a few of these thoughts and remember it’s never too late to begin!

1. Take an evening class 

Have you always wanted to write an award-winning screenplay, whip up Celtic bracelets or speak German? The time is now! Call your local community center and sign up for a noncredit course.

2. Get a makeover 
Fancy yourself with a different hairstyle or colour? Ask your hairdresser for a dye, or try a semipermanent rinse at home. And what about your makeup? Book an appointment with a department store cosmetics specialist, and leave looking like a new person, even if you only actually buy a lipgloss. What about your fashion comfort zone? Why not go for it and try something new? Always grab for the black? How about a burst of colour?


3. Spend quality time with your parents 
Invite Mom and Dad out for dinner and a movie. Or maybe just give them a buzz………

4. Find a blast from the past
Stop wondering what happened to your best friend from primary school — track him or her down and find out. It could rekindle a great friendship! Hello Facebook!


5. Clean out your wardrobe 
Be brutal! If that dress clings in all the wrong places or that jacket still has shoulder pads, just say goodbye! And seriously, if it has been a year since you have worn it, this is the time to LET IT GO.

6. Put your hand up 
Give something back to the community by volunteering to help a charity. Deliver meals to the elderly with Meals on Wheels. Sign up as a Red Cross volunteer. Help your local Humane Society by cleaning, feeding and walking stray dogs.

7. Spice up your social life 
Try sushi, dance, hit an art gallery or take in a live performance. You may find something you actually like so much that you want to do it again.


8. Set a fitness goal
Set on reaching a certain weight by your niece’s wedding or your partner’s 40th? Then try strategies to motivate yourself. List 10 things you’ll enjoy when you’re slimmer. Take two more walks a week. Drink one more glass of water per day.

9. Trace your family history 
Who knows, you may discover some interesting skeletons in the closet or a famous long-lost ancestor. Local genealogical societies are a great resource, and a lot of information can be found online.

10. Get fresh air 
Head to the park and get moving! Ride a bike,  throw a Frisbee, walk your dog, or how about an easy power walk?

11. Keep a dream journal
Keep a dream diary by your bed to record your dreams right when you wake up. Then discover what your subconscious is telling you with a dream analysis book or by looking it up online.


14. Feel young again 
Thumper in Bambi, Ariel in The Little Mermaid — recapture the wonder you felt watching them by spending an afternoon at a kids’ movie. If you don’t have kids of your own, offer to take your sister’s or friend’s children — they’ll love you for it.

15. Get Out of the Mall
Visit your local Farmer’s Market.  Smell, touch, get in tune with your food!  Spring also brings the season of garage sales.  Why not head out and check out what the neighbours have for sale plus have a little fun bargaining!

16. Redecorate 
Paint and a little imagination go a long way.  Why not pick one of those drab rooms, spend an afternoon and give it a face lift. It will be a rewarding experience that also could increase the value of your home.

17. Team Time
Hook up with a local team around town that plays the sport of your choice. New friends, calorie burning and fun are just around the corner here!

18. Breakfast in style 
Get up a little early and make yourself some brekkie. It only takes a couple of minutes to throw some eggs together, slice up a tomato and toast some nice bread. Plus you’ll save at the drive-through.

BOTTOM LINE: Make the everyday extraordinary by thinking outside the box and making the most of all the things that are out there just waiting for you!

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SOURCE. weightwatchers

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